Sep 11, 2009 ~ My Dad

My Dad was a strong man. A funny man. A firey-tempered man. A man who could laugh. A man who could cry. A man who could whisper. A man who could yell. A man who could teach. A man who could love.

Tags: life, memories

Jul 09, 2009 ~ On TV and Writing

This is a short update. Two items to mention, both of which I will expand upon on Saturday. First off, Torchwood: Children of Earth kicks ass! It's totally amazing. Only two more days and I'll be able to give a better review of the series, but so far it's surpassed my expectations. Lovin' it! Okay, the second thing: A Snake in the Garden of Eden has been updated (three new chapters for your entertainment). The short story that I've been working on for two years, and I'm finally nearing completion. In the Scrawl-land, I've officially stopped working on Bloodline. It's done, over, kaput. It was a neat idea, but I can't connect with it anymore. Maybe one day I'll pick it up again and continue, but for now, it's finished. I've also put Hard City on ice, but this is temporary. I do intend to finish episode 2, and possibly add a few more episodes to complete the "season". In the case of Hard City, it will not be renewed for a second season. That will wait until I'm done Snake... though. In furthur writing related news, I do have a project that will be similar to Hard City in context, but that takes place in the Snake universe. It may start before I finish Hard City, so be on the lookout for The Ark.

Tags: tv, stories

Jun 25, 2009 ~ Life...

Well, June 22nd was my off-the-net 30th birthday. It was good not staring at a computer screen all day. Anyway, at least I was getting another year older. The very next day we lost Ed McMahon, and today he was joined by Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. Sad losses, all of them.

Tags: life

Jun 02, 2009 ~ Panarchism as an ideal

Thinking recently about the Omnique Way, and some of the concepts like Voluntary Society and Community Standards. One of the cornerstones of the concept is the idea that you could have a community of theodemocratic communists mixed in the middle of a community of technocratic capitalists. This is very similar to the concept of Panarchism, which I endorse as its own standalone movement outside the scope of the Omnique Way. Anyway, this is just a brain dump, I'll expand out my thoughts later in a proper article. Until then, be free!

Tags: politics

Apr 07, 2009 ~ Streamlined Interface Debut

Due to feedback on the new interface introduced in January, I've now updated it to a new streamlined version. The side-bars are gone. Less clutter, more what you're looking for. The box is now centered rather than full screen, which should make things easier to read. Since the side-bars are gone, the "random thoughts" are now only found on the main page. There may be some missing sections, such as screenshots, but that's because I'm planning on integrating the screenshots page into a subsection of scrawl. Please let me know what you think of the streamlined theme.

Tags: site

Apr 01, 2009 ~ Windows is the Future

Well, I have finally come to my senses. I am tired of all of the quirks and issues with Linux, and am switching to Windows. In the next few weeks, I'll be moving my websites onto a new server running Windows Server 2008, and replacing Zimbra with Exchange. It will be such a relief to not have to mess with command lines and configuration files. Read the rest to find out more.

Tags: geek

Mar 03, 2009 ~ Reverse Polish Calculator in Perl 6

And now one for those who say Perl 6 isn't the coolest thing since sliced bread. I've been reading the Perl blogosphere, and found a couple of posts that show off some what happens when you convert an advanced Perl 5 program into Perl 6. The results are definitely amazing.

Feb 27, 2009 ~ principle or pragmatism

I was recently reading an interview on a blog, and came across this answer to the question: "What's more important? Principle or pragmatism?" Check out the article, as the answer given by Jeroen Vermeulen is brilliant!

Tags: principles

Feb 12, 2009 ~ Virii vs the real world

Geesh, the comments on this article, make me realize how pedantic (and pathetic) sounding a lot of my fellow geeks are. Sorry to tell you this, but for the large majority of the non-geek world, a virus is any form of malware that infects computers, regardless of its fundamental nature. The average Joe would look at your comments and say, "Worm? Trojan? Malware? I don't know what those are, but stop sending me viruses in my e-mail!"

Tags: geek

Feb 10, 2009 ~ Sharon Harris Rocks

Sharon Harris speaks the truth. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Tags: politics

Feb 04, 2009 ~ New Theme for a New Year

Well, for the first time in over 5 years, has a new look and feel. This time it's not just the main articles that have been themed, but jargon, shade and scrawl have been updated to use the new theme as well.

Tags: site

Jan 17, 2009 ~ Poems and Comics, Updated!

Yes, it's true, Shade and jargon have been updated! It's amazing. In the case of Shade, I have now finished Volume I. It didn't end quite the way I thought it would, but that's okay. In the case of jargon, well, it's working on the path to 500 strips! On September 15th of this year, jargon will celebrate it's 10th anniversary. I'm hoping that some time before that, it will celebrate it's 500th comic strip :-) Anyway, more updates coming soon.

Tags: site, shade, jargon

Jan 15, 2009 ~ Age-based Laws

In this chapter of The Omnique Way, I will be exploring my views on Age-based Laws, and expanding upon the Librecratic movement. Warning: It's going to be controversial, and may offend. With that said, if you're interested in the topics, from whatever point of view, read on!

Tags: politics

Jan 14, 2009 ~ Voluntary Society

This is the first chapter of a series I plan to write which will overlap into many of the categories on this site. The Omnique Way, is going to outline my political, social and philisophical views, including topics like The Ablen Society, the Om'ara Programme, Librecratic political theory, and the Omnique Protocol. In this first chapter, we look at the idea of Voluntary Society, and how such a society would work.

Jan 14, 2009 ~ Perl 6, First Thoughts

So, for the last few months, I've been playing with Perl 6. I know, it's not ready for production use yet, and probably won't be for a while, but it's still fun to play with. This article isn't really an introduction to Perl 6, nor an in depth review. It's more of my feelings about it so far, and why I think Perl 6 rocks.

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