Jun 22, 1999 ~ The Issue of Tax

It's been said that there are only two things in life that are certain - death and taxes. It doesn't have to be this way.

Tags: politics

Jun 22, 1999 ~ Victims Rights?

Welcome to Canada, the home of the free? A great land where criminals have more rights than the average law abiding citizen. It used to be in the good old days, you could live without fear of criminals, but now the Canadian Government has given the criminals the upper hand in crime.

Tags: politics

May 21, 1999 ~ no compromise

nobody said life was fair or life was right. it just goes on. and so will i.
Tags: life, chaos, weird

Sep 20, 1998 ~ awoken silence

ah, life, how refreshing. always good for you to take a nice cold shower sometimes. but sometimes life is like a good cold shower, it wakes you up, slaps you in the face, kicks you in the head, then laughs at you while you stare at the simplicity of the situation. now isn't that what you can refreshing?

Tags: life, chaos, weird

Sep 20, 1998 ~ don't be me

Right now I'm confused. Really confused. A bit stressed out, a little frustrated, but really really confused.

Tags: life, chaos, weird

Aug 05, 1998 ~ only dead fish

life - that is when you don't have to get up until 11 but get woken up at 6:30 and find out most of the fish in your aquatic tank died last night. Life is like that.

Tags: life, chaos, weird

Jun 23, 1998 ~ libertarian

hell0 again. h0w is it g0ing? well the w0rd of the day is libertarian.

Tags: life, chaos, weird

Jun 23, 1998 ~ wonderful li[f]e

Life it great. I enjoy being 19 now. When things seem at their worst, it means they can only get better. When your at the bottom of a hill you can't go down any furthur, you can only go up.

Tags: life, chaos, weird

Jun 22, 1998 ~ The Origin of IT

Tags: weird

Jun 22, 1998 ~ Mental Disorders

Disorders? What disorders are you talking about? You know the ones that people are always focusing on. Multiple personalities, schitzofrenia, attention deficiet disorder, depression, etc. What would a 19 year old know about those? Well as much as experience can tell me.

Tags: psychology

Jun 22, 1998 ~ Sexuality & Personality

I believe that sexuality and personality are greatly related to each other and that sexuality is only one of the many aspects of personality. In this way, personality is not one category, but a tree of interrelated categories each with their own unique and yet important attributes.

Jun 22, 1998 ~ Mental Meltdown

Macrohard DOS 19.76123 Revision B Service Pack 42

Tags: life, weird, geek

Jun 22, 1998 ~ Normal vs Average

Normal? What's that? Normal is a setting on your drier. There is no such thing as normal when it comes to people. Everyone is normal to themselves because everyone is unique. Difference is the only thing we all have in common, and it is that difference that makes us all unique.

Jun 22, 1998 ~ Definitions of Sexuality

As stated on my Sexuality & Personality page, I do not believe that people's sexuality is a one dimentional item that can instantly be classified with a simple label, but that I believe in the individual characteristics that make up a person's unique sexuality.

Jun 02, 1998 ~ goodbye world

On October 27th 2003, I decided that after this long, this old post deserved to be uncensored, for the whole world to see. I may not be proud of some of the things I said, but I've now made the formerly "cut out" pieces of this letter into just a different colored text so you can see what I previously had decided to remove from it. Enjoy. Hopefully there will never be another letter like this ever posted on this site again.
Tags: life, chaos, weird

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