This is a short update. Two items to mention, both of which I will expand upon on Saturday. First off, Torchwood: Children of Earth kicks ass! It's totally amazing. Only two more days and I'll be able to give a better review of the series, but so far it's surpassed my expectations. Lovin' it! Okay, the second thing: A Snake in the Garden of Eden has been updated (three new chapters for your entertainment). The short story that I've been working on for two years, and I'm finally nearing completion. In the Scrawl-land, I've officially stopped working on Bloodline. It's done, over, kaput. It was a neat idea, but I can't connect with it anymore. Maybe one day I'll pick it up again and continue, but for now, it's finished. I've also put Hard City on ice, but this is temporary. I do intend to finish episode 2, and possibly add a few more episodes to complete the "season". In the case of Hard City, it will not be renewed for a second season. That will wait until I'm done Snake... though. In furthur writing related news, I do have a project that will be similar to Hard City in context, but that takes place in the Snake universe. It may start before I finish Hard City, so be on the lookout for The Ark.


Jul 09, 2009
Last update prior to importation to GreyNoise.
Jul 09, 2009
Initial version.