So, if you've tried to visit this website between 2010-02-05 and 2010-02-13, you probably noticed that it had been replaced by a rather boring and empty page, that told a story about how I no longer had a server, and thus had given up on restoring the content from my former site (this one.) Well, I have yet to get the hard drive from my old server, so there may be some content missing on here, but I did find a fairly recent backup. Anyway, the circumstances behind the site moving, can be found by reading more of this article.

I lost my job.

Yeah, that's right, I got laid off. The economy apparently isn't doing so well, and while my former company managed to ride the wave through the rougest part, the ripples are finally reaching the outer edges. Which means in laymans terms, that the shit has hit the fan, and research and development is considered an expendable department. I almost mistyped that as expandable department. God how I wish that had been the truth. Alas, it was not.

So, here I am, back in the job market. Going in to dust off and polish up my resume and then off to the races. I've already gotten a few prospective employers in my queue. Off to find the next adventure in the never ending story of life.

So, when my company-provided server was turned off, all my websites went down, and worse yet, all of my e-mail was delivered into a black void of doom. I resolved the e-mail part by moving my mail to Google Apps. If you like the interface of GMail, well, Google Apps lets you have GMail (as well as a bunch of other features) on your own domain! It's pretty slick.

I had a simple static page up for a while, but finally found a new host that provides what I need, and so, as of today, Valentine's Day, my site is back.

And so am I.


Feb 14, 2010
Last update prior to importation to GreyNoise.
Feb 14, 2010
Initial version.